How to send bulk SMS marketing campaign in 5 minutes?
SMS marketing application/tool should be easy to use. To create and send mass SMS advertising campaign should not take more than 5 minutes.
Beedo simple SMS marketing tool for your business:
- easy way to create contact groups and import contacts
- you can create SMS advertising campaign just in few steps
- you can see details statistic of delivered and undelivered messages
Main features
Web BasedAccess 24/7 guaranteed. You don't need to download software or make installation. Our user friendly application lets to send messages in less than 5 minutes.
Manage Contact GroupsContact groups are in "tree" view. It lets you to create Contacts groups in any way you want - create main groups, subgroups and etc.
Manage ContactsEasy to creat new contact, import contact list. You can save contact information: name, surname, email, phone number, company, position.
Send Bulk or Single MessagesSend a message to 1 user or 100000 users. You can choose contact group or few groups, add phone numbers list or enter one phone number. It is a quick and simple process.
View Delivery ReportsFind out how many messages were delivered and how many were not. Get number list of numbers messages were not delivered.
Save moneyYou can easily delete numbers to which messages are constantly undelivered. These numbers are not active, so save money and send messages just to active numbers.
DashboardView a graphical overview of your account. You can see history of SMS campaigns and contacts count changes. You will always know if your customers database is growing!
2-way SMS interactivitySend SMS and receive feedback from your clients (to short code or ordinary mobile number). This solution is ideal for surveys, voting, or to find out whether the customer will be able to accept the parcel on time.
Use Beedo
Access to Beedo SMS marketing tool 24/7 is guaranteed. Sing up and start sending bulk SMS advertising campaigns now.